Code of Ethics
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CertiBioNet is an international association of inspection and certification bodies in organic farming

CertiBioNet gathers organic inspection and certification bodies all over the world.

It was founded in May 2003 by Laura Montenegro (Argentina), Blaise Hommelen (Belgium) and Fernando Serrador (Portugal).

Non-profit making association

CertiBioNet is a platform that aims to facilitate the cooperation between its members and to improve the quality of the inspection and certification systems. The resources that result from its activity or from other sources are exclusively allocated to its purpose. The control and certification bodies are the ones that actually carry out the controls.

The governing documents are the Statutes, published in the Belgian Monitor on 23 March 2003, and the Code of Ethics where rights and obligations are described. The association is governed by the Belgian law on international associations (25/10/1919).

Tribute to Laura Montenegro

We are very saddened by the decease of our chairwoman.
Our thoughts are with her family and in particular with her husband and her son Ammiel.

We wish them courage in these difficult times.
It was Laura who kept the spirit of Certibionet high.
She organized and chaired the meetings of Certibionet members at the Biofach fair for many years.
She particularly attached importance to developing the relations between inspection bodies all over the world.
We will miss her dynamic energy and her warm and caring personality.

Let us keep her in our hearts and prayers.

With sadness.

Blaise Hommelen



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